Today was my first chemo treatment. I feared so much worse than it was! Got a small headache behind my right eye, but other than that it wasn't much of a biggie. Hope the next few days fare well. For the next 3 months, my treatment is Adriamycin (bright cherry red) and Cytoxan every three weeks. This assumes my numbers stay in range... fingers crossed. Then after 12 weeks of these drugs, I switch to another drug I'll take weekly.
Hair? Yeah, I'll be proactively shaving it off before it falls out. Stay tuned, that will happen in the next 10 days.
At home now and settling in for a chill night. I'm already more sensitive to smell. Still have the headache. Also stomach feels queasy, but nothing worse yet. They say my reaction over the next few days will likely be how I will react to all of the rounds of this drug combo. They also advise I stay away for my favorite foods around this time ... don't want pavlov's dog (clasical conditioning theory) to associate my favorite foods with chemo. That is some sound advice and helpful for planning.
So fingers crossed the anti-nausea drugs do their job ... and the side effects don't knock me down too much. Here are a few fun photos from the day...