I crashed pretty hard last night and woke up feeling better than I expected. I continue to have a headache, specifically behind my right eye ... which started during my chemo infusion. More annoying than painful. My head feels like I'm in a cloud and my stomach is a mess. Only way I know how to describe it is ... I feel drunk and hungover at the same time. I've been able to manage the nausea, thanks to some meds (dexamethasone & prochlorperazine)
I was able to work a full day from home today, which was rather refreshing. It was nice to be able to focus on something I love, instead of my medical situation. Call me crazy… but I just love my job that much. ;) I call that being fortunate. The beauty of working from home was I was able to stop working right at 5pm and Heather and I were able to get out for a walk before the sun went down. We've set a goal to walk 10,000 steps a day … even got FitBit bracelets to help us track our progress. Before all of this started, we were already getting back into a healthier lifestyle … focused on eating well and working out. We do have wedding dresses to fit into by August 16th! =) All of this delayed some of that attention, but get back to healthier living is now even more important. One of the chemo drugs I'm on has a history of causing heart damage in some patients. Since my mom passed away from heart failure associated with chemo, you can imagine how sensitive and concerned I am about this. Data shows the best way to counter the damage potential (and combat fatigue) is to work out as much as you can during chemo. They don't know why, but they know it makes a difference. This was one of the reasons Dr. Tjoe started Team Phoenix to aid breast cancer survivors
"Our breast cancer survivors are not just training for their first triathlon. Our hope is that our athletes, during this journey, also regain a sense of being alive and strong during the training process and they learn to be comfortable with their bodies again." said Dr. Tjoe.
Dr. Tjoe is am amazing and inspiring person, not to mentioned a well respected clinician. We feel so fortunate to have her as my breast surgeon. The day after my port surgery, she also told Heather: "Liz doesn't know it, but she's going to be a member of Team Phoenix." I laughed and told her I was already planning on it. What Dr. Tjoe doesn't know yet is that I love sprint triathlons and just last summer was thinking it's time I get back into shape to do one =) Not clear if I will have to wait a year to join the team or not… this year's training and triathlon will be during my chemo treatment. Learn more about Team Phoenix here.
Heather and I do have a fitness goal we know we will be training for this Spring. We are doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago on May 31st and June 1st. I've always wanted to join one of these walks -- what better year to do it?! Three months into this journey, I'll now spend 2 days with amazing women who have or are fighting this awful disease. Many of you have asked how you can help. The Avon Walk is not only an empowering experience for women and breast cancer, it's also raises money to continue research and programs. We need to raise $3,600 ($1,800 per walker) … if you'd like to donate, please go to the Events and Fundraising tab to learn more. No surprise… our team name is KCA Bandits. We also plan to have our KCA Bandit name displayed during the walk.